Observing the individuals of Chicken Corner in their natural state has always been an activity I’ve spent an abnormal amount of time doing. The results of which are astounding however, and I now pitch to you, on this day, that chickens are not so far off from us supposedly ‘Superior’ human beings.
Hygiene, for example, is an essential. Only yesterday, I took a moment (or half an hour) to appreciate a group of 15 standing in a row – all headless. “Headless?!” .. I hear you cry from behind your phones and laptops (or tablets for those so inclined) .. but fear not. Their heads are to be found deep within their feathers; gently moving their beaks along the base of each quill (otherwise known as preening) or more likely desperately trying to scratch that particularly itchy spot! We’ve all had that feeling.
Chickens also have more rigorous healthcare rituals – rather than involving water (which they don’t like much) – instead utilising dirt in the glorious form of a ‘dust bath’. “How vile!” some may mutter under their breath... but we’re not so different – consider the fashionable use of mud in healthcare today, which aim to detoxify and tone skin as well as creating a highly effective inflammatory agent.
Well then, it appears that chickens are one step ahead of the game, as they use it to get rid of dead skin and as a by-product, dislodge parasites. The ‘Dust Bath’ in itself is a pretty marvellous event to witness – reminiscent of the tremendously civilised Romans with their communal baths .. you can find a large number of birds flicking and kicking, and rolling and tolling around in the soil – it really is the social event of the year. Best of all, its not restricted to adults, the kids can join in too.. with mothers teaching their chicks these behaviours. It really is a joy to watch.
Speaking of ‘socialising’ – similarly to humans, chickens absolutely thrive off it! And as we have our favourite humans we love to chat with, potter about and eat with.. this is exactly how chickens like it too. They don’t all ‘get-along’ and a hierarchy can and/or ultimately does emerge within the community (especially when food is involved), but as we all say to ourselves when we attempt to justify our behaviour and overcome ‘self consciousness’ – ‘the world would be boring if we all got along’. How boring to think of Chicken Corner as a Utopian Paradise! It just won’t do!