Olivia and I have particularly eagle-eyes when it comes to the Poultry scene so deciding on my show career highlights has been difficult but here goes ..
I’m going to kick this off with a personal favourite.. and I would like to make a big shout-out to the man in this story. For a bit of context to get the ball rolling, at the end of each showing day everyone gathered around for the Prize Ceremony (never had the honour myself but you know, I’m over it ;) ) They gave out all the prizes, and last but not least, ‘Best in Show goes to…’ – now the man who stepped forward had styled his hair to the exact description of Sonic the Hedgehog, a craft in itself surely? Yet, in stark contrast to his spiked locks was a single piece of wood-shaving presumably, ‘accidently’ attaching itself to his head as he commuted from one end of the barn to the other. Photographs were also taken once a prize was awarded. I really hope that man framed that picture because if anything, the core strength of that little piece of sawdust to balance so perfectly, deserves that note of respect.
In a close 2nd was when I washed my young buff Orpington hen in Pantene Pro-V; only the best for a fabulous bird. I had entered her into the Junior’s category where they encouraged exhibitors to stick around and watch the judging to pick up useful tips.. The judges came round to my pullet’s cage, they lifted her out and for some reason (secretly I thought who could resist Pantene) he sniffed her. But to my surprise he pulled a face and said something along the lines of ‘bad quality bird’. I have to be honest here, this may be incorrect as I’d erased the comment from my memory, as you can imagine an 8 year old not taking a negative comment too well... but I clearly remember our homebound trip to the Sainsbury’s Garage and being very annoyed indeed. Maybe that judge preferred the aroma of damp chicken over the enriching scent of a well-known shampoo brand; each to their own I suppose.